Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shame on Pork-Belly Republicans

Of the $480 billion appropriations bill just signed 40% of the 9,000 earmarks were put in by the Republicans! What are they THINKING? The goal here, conservatives, is to QUIT SPENDING and certainly not succumb to the temptation to nurse your own agenda by adding to the earmark problem. Republicans will have no leg to stand on in upcoming elections when met by an electorate which is angry about the lavish and wasteful spending of the government. What are they going to say to their constituents about their own acquiecense to this back-alley, you-rub-my-back-and-i'll-rub-yours practice? Earmarks make me think of the super small print you see (or rather, can't see) on the bottom of a credit card agreement, where in good faith you agree to their terms without fully reading the details. The details come back to bite you! Our own government should not be permitted to do these sleight of hand additions to a basic budget bill. It is wrong. Shame on the Republicans who joined in the pork orgy.

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